Site Guide
John Holt Gallery
Thomas Holt 1788 -
Thomas Godfrey 1817-
John Holt of Goole ,1822
The Cockin Line
The Ball Line
Jonathan 1844
John Jr. 1882
Pam Holt
Joy Holt
Pippa Hunter
Charles Hunter
Jim Hunter
Kate Hunter
Dorothy 'Doodles' Holt
Honey Russell
Jonathan Russell
Elizabeth Ethel 1885
Thomas Godfrey 1887
Ian Holt
Elizabeth Holt
Louis 1889
Michael Holt
Elaine Holt
Louis 1857
Thomas 1848
John Holt 1841
Jack Mather 1904
Colin Mather
Alison Mather
Tinker Mather
Richard Mather
Gordon Mather
Peter Mather
Roderic Mather
Jonathan Mather
Sarah Mather
Betty Mather
Geoffrey Heap
Daphne Heap
Annette Heap
Margaret Joan Mather
Pam Buxton
Ann Buxton
Barbara Buxton
David Buxton
Doug Mather
Chris Mather
Vicky Mather
Penelope Mather
Nicholas Mather
John A Holt
Cecil Holt
Clive Holt 1941
Rodney Holt 1944
David Holt
Derek Holt
Godfrey Ball Holt 1880
Grace Holt
Rodney Dawson
Dinah Dawson
Fred Davy
Barbara Davy
Pamela Davy
Rosalie Marr
Jill Marr
Bruce Marr
Robert Marr
Hazel Popple
Prue Mumby
Clare Mumby
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Eliza Winifred Holt (Winnie)
Some recollections and stories of the Holt family by Prue Calvert
Granny was the youngest and eighth child of John Holt and his wife Eliza Holt. She had stories of her childhood. Sunday was spent in your best dress. no games and only reading probably the bible. I have just found lettters from her father to her. She used to meet him at the Birkenhead pier when he returned from his office. Letters to her when she was at school at Cheltenham Ladies College show how she missed home and how much he missed her. He particularly gave her advice on how to take advantage of all she was learning.The letters show how devoted he was to his wife. ...More...
Site Guide
John Holt Gallery
Thomas Holt 1788 -
Thomas Godfrey 1817-
John Holt of Goole ,1822
The Cockin Line
The Ball Line
Jonathan 1844
John Jr. 1882
Pam Holt
Joy Holt
Pippa Hunter
Charles Hunter
Jim Hunter
Kate Hunter
Dorothy 'Doodles' Holt
Honey Russell
Jonathan Russell
Elizabeth Ethel 1885
Thomas Godfrey 1887
Ian Holt
Elizabeth Holt
Louis 1889
Michael Holt
Elaine Holt
Louis 1857
Thomas 1848
John Holt 1841
Jack Mather 1904
Colin Mather
Alison Mather
Tinker Mather
Richard Mather
Gordon Mather
Peter Mather
Roderic Mather
Jonathan Mather
Sarah Mather
Betty Mather
Geoffrey Heap
Daphne Heap
Annette Heap
Margaret Joan Mather
Pam Buxton
Ann Buxton
Barbara Buxton
David Buxton
Doug Mather
Chris Mather
Vicky Mather
Penelope Mather
Nicholas Mather
John A Holt
Cecil Holt
Clive Holt 1941
Rodney Holt 1944
David Holt
Derek Holt
Godfrey Ball Holt 1880
Grace Holt
Rodney Dawson
Dinah Dawson
Fred Davy
Barbara Davy
Pamela Davy
Rosalie Marr
Jill Marr
Bruce Marr
Robert Marr
Hazel Popple
Prue Mumby
Clare Mumby
Company History
Company Gallery
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