Ancell was the fifth child of John and Eliza and had three
children by his first wife, Noel, Ken and Joan and one, Mary, with his second
Noel Holt married a scots woman, Susan, who I knew very well
as a child and was great fun to be with. Noel had a loud laugh which father and
John used to make fun of and imitated. He had a heart of
gold and was very supportive and generous to us at our wedding. Susan died
first and this left a huge hole in his life as they were childless. Noel had a
horrible time with throat cancer and died in the 70’s.
Ken Holt was a bachelor who lived in a large house called
the Limes near Woodhall Spa. He had about 4000 acres of prime farmland and
lived for shooting and fishing. I never knew him very well. I first met him
when father arranged for me to spend a week in the school holidays on his farm
when I was 12. His farm manager Geoff took care of me a lot of the time and I
got to know a little about farm work and a lot about bad language. Ken took me
shooting with Fred Davy, great aunt Dorothys son and we went out on Reed island
in the Humber ( it has since sunk) It was my first encounter with a broad
Lincolnshire accent. .More