The Holt family, ancestors and descendants

Site layout
Use either the tree style dropdown menus at the top or type a name in the search box. If you don't find you own name, try your mother or fathers or grandsparents name. Everyone should be on one of the trees somewhere if you were born before 2000.
These pages show the tree back to 1640 and individual pagea for Johns father and grandfather
Individual pages for John Holts brothers Jonathan, Thomas and Louis
John Holt & Descendants
Individual pages for each of John Holts children with subpages for grandchildren and downwards in a menu hierarchy
Company History
This is a collection of books and articles on John Holt and his company John Holt Ltd and how it started. It include the Diary, Gertzels thesis archive links and wiki references
Related families
Thes are the families that were closely related to John namely the Longstaffs of North Lincs and the Juvets of Geneva
On some pages there is a Gallery button like the one under the portrait below which take you to a photo album specifically for that person.
Blog and Contact page
The blog page shows posts. The Blog Post page has a form to upload files, anecdotes and pictures for me to to add to the site
Many of the texts , for example the Diary, are too long to show on a page so click on the 'More...' and it will either download the file or display the full article
Website by Clive Holt 2021